Mud, Ice, Whisky and Bonfires...

Last easter weekend we visited some old friends who started their own 4x4 off-roadpark on an ex-military terrain in Germany. ""

The Campsite.
Due to the cold weather the big campsite wasn't even half filled. We were the only ones driving on two wheels, the rest was driving in big four or even six wheels.

The Cold Nights.
It was freezing cold at night. In our tent it was warm and cozy. When we woke up, ice glistered on our tent...

The Mud.
This is what you normally come for if going to Mammut... Playing with mud.

The Easter Bonfire.
On Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday in rare occasions also on Easter Monday, large fires are lit at dusk in sections of Northwestern Europe. These regions include Denmark, parts of Sweden as well as Finland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.

The cold weather, the big hot bonfire and the warming whisky did make us sleep well.
